Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Poem.

Clearly I'm not a big fan of guys who put no effort into their messages to me, so I was conflicted as to whether or not I should make fun of this poem. The guy obviously put in some effort, and you know what they say, A for effort, right? But hey, it's not like the first line of said poem begs me not to mock it.

How uncomfortable.

Anyways, I'm just gonna come right out with it. That was NOT a good poem. In fact, you spelled poem wrong. In some places it actually rhymes, which leads me to believe that rhyming is your intention throughout this poem, which then leads me to believe that you are an idiot because going with that logic you also thought "you" and "well" rhyme.

Was this emotional vomit induced by my profile? Did it make you "fell" some vibes? I guess I'm going to have to switch up my photos if this is what I'm doing to people. Awkwardly enough, I do know what you mean about my eyes pulling you closer. Years ago I had spider venom injected into my eyeballs and now they occasionally shoot spidey-web at unsuspecting strangers and pull them close to me. Sorry. Oh, you say that I have actually blinded you as well. This makes the spelling errors more forgivable, but not the content.

Also, how do you know how I carry myself? Are you stalking me? If so, you must also be mocking me. I HAVE SCOLIOSIS. God.


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